Evil Doesn't Mean Stupid
Like Tokyo Rose with her broadcasts aimed at American GIs in World War, Osama bin Laden is very clever in his latest video targeted at the American people.
He does begin with the usual crap about how terrific every thing is for Al Qaeda, how much progress they're making, reminiscent of the old Soviet Union's gibberish about the "glorious people's republic." But this time, he follows up that blather with the kind of criticism that President Bush has been hearing from Democrats, and from some in our media, especially from the left.
All it proves is that bin Laden knows how to Google, and follows our public debate.
Why is he using this specific language? Because he wants this nightmare to continue-- he wants America to get even more deeply mired in the Iraq war and other Middle East conflict and he wants to promote even more fear and parnoia here in the U.S. Of course he knows that his mentioning, let alone agreeing with public opposition to President Bush in this country, will only weaken such opposition, encourage the Administration to further bash its domestic adversaries, and send our media out looking for public figures who've used some of the same phrases bin Laden used.
It's already happened; the folks at Hoffmania have already documented Chris Mathews' instant comparison between bin Laden and Michael Moore. Which normally you'd have to go to some right-wing blow-hard to hear.
My own message to bin Laden is this: WE can criticize and debate and satirize our President-- in fact we have a duty to, when we think he's doing a bad job. He's our President. YOU, on the other hand, have already made your methods clear to us-- you fly planeloads of innocent people into buildings and murder thousands. So just crawl back into whatever hole you popped out from and listen for footsteps. One way or another, favorite President or not, you will be crushed. Most likely, it'll be a couple minutes after another one of your phony "we're doing great" blathers.
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