Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Friends of Chris Matthews

Here are some excerpted comments from “Hardball” host Chris Matthews, who co-anchored MSNBC’s election night coverage:

“It’s just a sad night to see so many wonderful people lose their jobs this year. I mean, a lot of these Republicans are terrific people.”

“I mean, come on—Ann Northrup of Kentucky, a really classy lady. A shame she got swept up in this anti-Bush vote. She’s been on “Hardball” many times, always friendly, always sweet, always nice. Very snappy dresser.”

“Don Sherwood from Pennsylvania. Hey Don, sorry you lost tonight, but you still owe me 60 bucks for that four-flush. Our Dads used to go fishing together.”

“Conrad Burns of Montana. My gosh, when I was knee high to a tadpole, Senator Burns gave me my first Sears catalog. “

“Jim Leach with his great sweater vests. He’s a real regular guy. If you ever want to know the best place to get cheap gas in Iowa, Jim Leach always knows.”

“Rick Santorum. People think of him as a bit conservative, but let me tell you, I was on a think tank camping retreat, and I had a thorn in my foot, and not only did he remove it and disinfect it, but he has never asked a favor in return. Hang in there Ricky.”
“Clay Shaw in Florida. My goodness, when I first met my wife, it was Clay Shaw who told me there are ‘plenty more fish in the sea.’ Ha ha ha. Take care of yourself, you old dog.”


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