Saturday, October 20, 2007

MONEY? You’re Giving the Cashier MONEY? Well, #%^@ YOU!!!!

Am I the only one who thinks it’s bizarre that, in a time of a credit crunch, with people defaulting on loans and going bankrupt and losing their homes, that Visa is running adds that say you’re gumming up the works, shutting down our smoothly running society, if you spend money you have in hand, instead of charging a purchase on your credit card?

To me, it’s one thing to talk about the convenience or wide acceptance, or other positives about the credit card you’re hawking.

It’s another thing entirely to say, “only a moron would use cash.” The only real difference between the two is, with a cash customer, the merchant immediately has the money, and the customer is immediately paying it. Seems a lot “smoother,” and more efficient than both agreeing to have a third party pay it now, in exchange for merchant fees, so that some time in the future, the customer will or won’t pay the debt, with or without interest and late fees.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right! When there's a credit crunch, pay cash. The credit industry will hurt, but they did it to themselves. The slump in the economy is due, to a great extent, to the housing slump. The housing slump was spawned by deliberate, reckless, irresponsible lending to people who did not qualify for home loans in the first place. Why should we bail out an irresponsible industry and the morons who got loans they knew they wouldn't be able to pay back? So now we're all paying for it. Don't bail them out--pay cash.

9:27 AM  

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