Saturday, February 23, 2008

My Personal Obama Drama

I’ve noticed that, this year more than ever, when we discuss politics, nobody is listening. Or, at least, we’re not hearing each other. I’ve argued, debated and discussed; I’ve overheard conversations in offices, the locker room and in restaurants.

In all that time, I’ve never heard anyone say, “Really? I didn’t know that?” or “Where can I find out more about that?” or, “Gee, well, I was planning to vote this way, but now I might vote that way.”

We seem to make up our minds, and we’re done thinking. We may want to convince others, but there’s very little persuasion going on.

When John Edwards left the race, I found myself supporting Hillary Clinton. The more I’ve mentioned that to people, the more they’ve tried to help me see the error of my ways, so that I might support Barack Obama.

But that’s not going to happen.

And now I know why. Not because of the policy positions or talents of these candidates. It’s for personal reasons.

So far in my life, I haven’t been married. I don’t have any children. Which means, I don’t have any daughters.

So, even though I have the reflex to, at this age in my life, say to my teen-age daughter, “Hold on here! Who is this ‘Ralph’ person you’re going out with? What do we know about his guy?”, I’ve never had the opportunity to actually give that speech.

Barack Obama’s candidacy gives me that opportunity. I let my glasses slide down the bridge of my nose, look over my newspaper and say, “Barack Obama? Already you’re going to the prom with this guy? How do you know him? What does he want from you? Do we know the chaperones? And what time will you be home?”

However, I can read tea leaves about as well as anyone. I figure Senator Obama’s going to win. And somehow, I’ll resume my normal life during his administration, rather than sitting and waiting in my rocking chair on the front porch, waiting to give someone a good talking-to.


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