Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Part II-- Olympic Special-- The Speed Skaters
"You shut up." "No, YOU shut up."
"I can skate around in an oval in tights better than you can."
"No, I can skate around in an oval in tights better than you can."
"I'm voting you off the ice."
"Ha ha. You can't do that."
"If I could, maybe we'd beat American Idol once in a while."
"What--what are you saying? Isn't EVERYONE obsessed with who skates around an oval in tights faster?"
"Well, if they were, they'd be obsessed with me."
"No, me."
"Ah cain't quit you."*
"Aw come here, ya big lug."

*Eeeyup. POBBMR--Pre-Oscar Brokeback Mountain Reference.


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